MALIBAL Veda Clevo x8100 Review

The MALIBAL Veda series is a desktop replacement gaming laptop based on the Clevo X8100 model. What this means is that the Veda eschews compactness and portability in favor of pure gaming power, and it is indeed one of the most powerful gaming laptops ever released. Does the Veda justify its considerable cost (from $2000 to over $5000), or is the desktop replacement gaming laptop concept one that’s not quite ready for prime time?
The Veda is an absolute beast of a laptop, measuring 17.3 x 11.8 inches (with an 18.4 inch diagonal screen) and weighing in at over 13 pounds (16 if you include the AC adapter, which you probably won’t be leaving behind). While dimensions like these would be a disaster for most other laptops, for the hardcore gaming demographic that MALIBAL is hoping to impress, this might actually be a good thing; after all, a bigger machine should mean more horsepower, and the Veda certainly has some. Although less costly options are also available, the maximum specs for the Veda include Intel Core i7 Extreme 2.0-3.20GHz CPUs, 8GB of DDR3 RAM, and dual NVIDIA GeForce 1GB graphics cards.
What this all amounts to is a laptop that really can go toe-to-toe with desktops in terms of gaming performance. Although it remains to be seen how it holds up against the next wave of games, the Veda performs extremely well with recent benchmark titles like Crysis, maintaining impressive frame rates even at high detail settings. Simply put, the Veda performs to the expectations created by its impressive (and expensive) hardware.
The Veda does suffer from a couple of frustrating design issues; for a laptop of this size, its keyboard seems decidedly small, and while it’s adequate for gaming purposes, it isn’t suited to anything more typing-intensive than that. The on-board speakers are also a bit of a disappointment, providing some fairly lackluster sound, although it’s likely that most users who are willing to pay for this type of machine will also go ahead and invest in some external speakers as well.
The Bottom Line
The MALIBAL Veda is a big, heavy laptop with short battery life, but this isn’t likely to matter to its intended audience. Simply put, the Veda is as good a gaming machine as there is, laptop or otherwise.

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